Polac VST(i) Loader for Jeskola Buzz

Version: 1.0 *BETA*
Author: Frank Potulski
Contact: polac@gmx.de
Website: http://www.xlutop.com/buzz/

About VST(i) Loader
VSTi Loader and VST Loader are machines for Jeskola Buzz which make it possible to run VST Effects and Instruments in Buzz.

Just copy the "Polac VSTi.dll" to the Buzz/Gear/Generators/ directory and the "Polac VST.dll" to the Buzz/Gear/Effects/ directory. It is recommended to install the latest Buzz version as well as the latest Overloader version.

Parameters and Attributes
A short description of all parameters and attributes. Many of these parameters and attributes can also be accessed over the popup menu "Settings"(just open the GUI or Params window).

Global Parameters
Dry Out If you are using the VST Loader, this parameter controls the dry output volume.
Wet Out This parameter controls the wet output volume.
Panning Sets the panning position of the Wet Out signal.
Program Selects a program of a VST(i).

Track Parameters
Note Switch to pattern mode and insert some notes. :)

Important for those who want to use plugins with an internal sequencer(Reaktor, Scuzzphut5 etc.):

You can trigger a sequence with a B-9. A corresponding note off will stop the sequence.
Velocity Sets the velocity of a note.
Delay Position of the note in a row/tick.
Note Cut Sets a note off in a row. A note must be triggered too in the same row to hear a result.
Parameter Name Sets the VST parameter you want to control. Also Pitchbend and MIDI CC can be selected.
Parameter Value Sets the value of the controlled parameter.
Parameter Inertia Parameter movement smoothing.

MIDI In Channel Sets the receiving MIDI Channel(0=all).
MIDI Out Channel Specifies transmitting MIDI Channel.
MIDI Velocity Settings for note on velocity(0=ON, 1-127=velocity fixed to value).
MIDI Transpose Transposes the incoming MIDI notes.
MIDI Enable Enables/disables MIDI.
Quantisation sort of tick quantisation. While recording, it rounds the delay of a note to a certain value:

1=1 Tick
2=1/2 Tick
3=1/3 Tick
4=1/4 Tick
5=1/8 Tick
8=1/64 Tick
Quantisation Note Off Enables/disables the note off quantisation. Quantisation must be set before, otherwise enabling note off quantisation will affect nothing.
Hotkeys Enables/disables hotkeys.

Open a VST(i) Plugin
Rightclicking the VST(i) Loader symbol in the machine view of Buzz will open a popup:

Open... Loads a plugin via an open dialog.
Plugins> A list all VST(i) plugins available.
GUI... Opens the built-in editor of a VST(i).
Params... The parameter list editor.
Add Pluginpath... Opens a dialog where you can select your VST(i) plugin directories.

GUI/Params Window
If you have successfully loaded a plugin you can open either the GUI or Params window of the plugin. Some plugins will have no own GUI, so a left-click on GUI will open the Params window. There are several menus:

Presets Menu
Load... Loads a complete bank or a single program. You can import presets from Cubase, Logic as well as Orion.
Save... Saves a complete bank or a single program. You can save the presets as FXP or FXB.
Rename... Renames the active program.
Copy Makes a copy of the active program.
Paste Pastes a copied program to the active program.
Programs All programs of a bank are listed here. A couple of plugins will have its own program management, therefore these programs cannot be displayed here.

Settings Menu
Output Settings... Settings for Dry Out, Wet Out and Panning.
MIDI In Channel> Sets the receiving MIDI Channel(0=all).
MIDI Out Channel> Specifies transmitting MIDI Channel.
MIDI Velocity... Turn on/off the MIDI velocity. If MIDI velocity is set to off, the velocity is fixed to a certain value.
MIDI Transpose... Transposes the incoming midi notes.
MIDI Record Settings... Sets record quantisation. You can also choose your record tracks.
MIDI Enabled Enables/disables MIDI.
MIDI Reset Sends a MIDI reset.
Learn MIDI CC Must be selected if you want to learn a MIDI controller.
Learn Param 1-8 You may check one of these menu items if you want to learn a VST parameter or MIDI CC.
Hotkeys Enabled Enables/disables hotkeys.

Learning Parameters
Up to eight VST parameters can be controlled simultanously. There is the possibility to chain a VST parameter/MIDI CC automatically to one of the eight parameter sliders:
  1. Open the GUI/Params window.
  2. Open the Settings menu and select a parameter(Learn Param 1-8) you want to chain with a VST parameter/MIDI CC. If you want to learn a MIDI CC also enable "Learn MIDI CC".
  3. Now you only have to move a Fader/Knob/Button, in most cases the parameter is learned now. Alternatively you can move a Controller/Pitchbend of your masterkeyboard or faderbox to learn the MIDI Controller belonging to it.
There are a couple of plugins that cannot be chained in this way. So you have assign the VST parameters manually(=>Parameters...).

There are some hotkeys defined, which can be disabled if you feel annoyed by them. Make sure that either the GUI or Params window has the focus.

F1 Enables/disables MIDI.
NUM0 Learn MIDI Controller.
NUM1-8 Learn parameter 1-8.
NUM9 Clear all learned parameters.
LEFT Previous program.
RIGHT Next program.
SPACE Minimizes the GUI and Params window, so that only caption and menu are visible. Doubleclicking the caption area of each window will affect the same.

Known Plugin Problems
  • Tobybear VSTChess refuses to work
  • some versions Jørgen Aase's Audiosynth will cause problems
  • Rumpelrausch Täips Crazy Diamonds occasionally explodes(but not only with this host)
  • with xverb it's quite the same thing
If you find another plugin which isn't working properly, please let me know. Perhaps I'm able to fix this problem(polac@gmx.de).

Big thanks to Thomas Potulski for his programming tips and help. Without his support this project hadn't been possible. Also thanks to Cyanphase for his Buzz programming tutorials. :)

Legal Notice
Polac VSTi Loader and Polac VST Loader © 2002 Frank Potulski.

Polac VSTi Loader and Polac VST Loader are FREEWARE. They may be redistributed freely, as long as both .dll files are provided with this documentation. You're not authorized to sell them by any way.

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH